
东方话剧团成立于2006年。本着以戏会友、交流学习、在演出中提高艺术修养和表演水平的宗旨, 推出了多场高质量的话剧演出:《玩偶世家》、《新藍与黑》、《活性炭》、《暗恋桃花源...、《情书》、《守岁》、《穿越之门》、《关系》等。在东方年度综艺晚会上, 话剧团展现了原创小品《新警察》、《猪的故事》、《猫和老鼠》、《探亲》、《招贤》、《非诚勿扰》、《相亲》和《网红豆腐脑》等。东方话剧团主办的年度《诗歌散文朗诵会》和《话剧小品欣赏会》也深受大芝加哥地区文学和朗诵爱好者的欢迎。

Dong Fang Drama Group As part of the Dong Fang Chinese Performing Arts, the Dong Fang Drama Group was formed in 2006. Its purpose... is to promote cultural sharing in the Chinese community by cultivating various talents in theatrical arts. It has conducted several acting workshops, and performed many drama skits in the Dong Fang Chinese Performing Arts Association’s annual gala shows. The Drama Group has produced many near-professional quality stage plays at different venues, and has established a popular brand among the Chinese in Greater Chicago. Past plays include: A Doll’s House, New Blue & Black, Activated Carbon, Love in the Peach Blossom Land, I’m not LiBai, Dating My Ex-wife, Yin & Yang and Communicating Doors. Additionally, the Dong Fang Drama Group has hosted annual poetry and essay.